Welcome to NDT Inspection Center, your trusted partner for business optimization. With extensive experience and a clear focus on quality management, we offer a wide range of services across industries, including manufacturing audits, production supervision, quality assurance, quality inspection, non-destructive material testing, and deadline monitoring throughout Asia. With over 30 years of industry knowledge and comprehensive expertise, we are your reliable source for efficient solutions in terms of cost, time, and quality.

Our clientele spans a broad spectrum of industries, including plant and machinery construction, rail vehicles, inspection companies, and welding operations. At NDT Inspection Center, customer satisfaction and respect are at the core of our mission. Trust forms the basis of our business relationships.
We value cultural diversity and leverage it to continuously enhance the productivity and quality of our services. As part of our responsibility to people and the environment, we support global quality standards and contribute to continuous improvement.

As the Industry 4.0 era advances, we assist our clients in further increasing their productivity. Through effective control of individual work steps and production monitoring, we offer significant cost advantages. Moreover, our global network enables our clients to participate in our activities at any time and track the progress of their projects.

Your NDT Inspection Center Team
